Quotes by BryannaR

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  • We are young, heartache to heartache, we stand, no promises no demands,~*~love is a battlefield~*~ we are strong, no one can tell us, we're wrong, searching our hearts for so long, ~*~ love is a battlefield~*~

    19 years ago
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  • The hurt she cant handle overflows through a knife she writes on her arm she wants to give up her life each days she goes on as the day that shes brave the lie that giving up is the way each moment of courage her own life she sees

    19 years ago
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  • No one talks to her she feels so alone, shes in too much pain to survive on her own, the hurt she cant handle overflows 2 a knife she writes on her arm she wants to give up her life

    19 years ago
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  • && I expected you to forgive me but all you did was forget me:::im sorry for my flaws and imperfections

    19 years ago
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