Quotes by *BeAuTiFuLlY*iNaDeQuEtE*

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  • Its ok 2 b sad,
    wen yr feelin in pain
    But plz just b strong,
    u'll b happy again
    Wen yr lost in the darkness,
    no sun shinin thru,
    remember ma darlin
    that im eya 4 u!!

    19 years ago
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  • Can't you see what your doing?
    your breaking my heart
    you just walk straight on by
    as my world falls apart

    19 years ago
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  • It's the same f u c k e d up problem
    just a different time
    another piece broken
    from this heart of mine
    I've fallen in love with you
    But now its too late
    Forever destined
    To this lonely fate

    19 years ago
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  • *ThE mOsT bEauTiFuL dEcEpTiOn*
    *ThE sImPLiCiTy Of ThE lIe*
    *ThE mOsT pRiStInE pErFeCt MaKeUp*
    *ClOaKiNg EvErY tEaR I cRy*

    19 years ago
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  • *Forgive me now as I walk away*
    *My heart's broken too badly for me to stay*
    *Forgive me now as I start to cry*
    *It's just too hard to say goodbye*

    19 years ago
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  • Love again like your heart is still whole
    Smile again like you still have a soul
    Dance again like you don't want to hide
    Never let slip all the tears that you've cried

    19 years ago
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  • *§*So hide your shame
    My fallen princess
    Your broken wings will mend
    This is not the end*§*

    19 years ago
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  • How come, you act like this
    Like you just don't care at all
    Do you expect me to believe
    I was the only one to fall

    *Avril Lavigne - Why*

    18 years ago
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  • You're like Petit Filous, Very Tasty :P

    18 years ago
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  • The seed waits for the reaper to sew
    Every breath an art
    The dignity to learn it can strain & break your heart
    Take all your pieces home
    You ask when you're alone, "what is love?"
    The blood is love.

    *Q.O.T.S.A-The Blood Is Love*

    18 years ago
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