.:a locked door:.
.:a rusty razor...
.:I'm a very independent girl:.
.:and sometimes people think I'm...
.:All I wonted to be was [m][e]:.
.:But you wouldn’t let me be that person...
.:i hurt myself:.
.:to see if i can still feel...
.:I carve your name in my am:.
.:Remembering all the good timeS...
.:I wont to get out of here:.
.:I wont to start fresh...
.:im sick of how you always complain:.
.:complain about how bad you life is...
It started of great
Just you and me...
.:as i sit here and stare:.
.:i wounder if anyone is even aware...
.:its really sux when you find out:.
.:what you thought was for the best...
.:i looked into the mirror.:
.:my smile hiding the pain...