God made oceans |
I'm going to smile like nothings wrong, |
»Is either a maybe or a no |
AcCept evErythiiNg abOut yOurseLf i MeaN eveRytHiiNg yOu aRe yOu n that is the beGiiNiiNg aNd the eNd nO apOlOgiiEs nO reGrets if yOu get a chanCe >> taKe iT if it chaNges yOur life >> let it nO expeCtatiiOns no tuRniiNg baCk... |
»--Sugar and spice and everything nice |
Hes got my heart skippin beats |
"Sometimes she wishes she was never born" -Concret Angels. |
«*:·. |
Girls.Ladies.Sisters This is to the ones who have always been there when the world shut me out This is to the ones who cared Memories Tears Phone Calls Noone can replace the times weve had and what we have been through I Love you Best.Friends.Forever |
Reposting.. |