
About MissMana

I am a quiet person, I would rather observe than partake in any interactions with people. I tend to be awkward at times, I don't mind though. I've been broken, which in turn has caused me to be cautious when it comes to people. I don't lie, nor do I want lies in my life. I enjoy writing whatever comes to my mind. I also enjoy reading other peoples thoughts. it's neat to understand in a way what other's are feeling and going through.

I hope you all stay strong and keep your heads held high. Don't let life control you. You are either your own saviour or your own destruction. It's your choice.




*What goes around comes around*

*Forever and a day*

*Remember it's not that things happen for a reason...It's the reasoning that comes from those things that happen, that will help you succeed.

Profile of MissMana

  • Age : 27
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : Canada
  • Joined : Jan 21, 2005
  • Last Visit : 8 years ago
  • Poems : 48
  • Comments : 29
  • Quotes : 46
  • Posts : 0
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By MissMana

  • Yesterday I was abused
    Mistreated and used...

  • All the tears that have fell
    And all the damage that has been done...

  • The wind dances through the trees
    While the stars play upon the water...

  • The shadows are overwhelming
    And the air begins to sting...

  • My body grows weak
    each and every single day...

Latest Quotes By MissMana

  • Yesterday I was abused
    mistreated and used
    today I stand tall
    because I've lived through it all

    9 years ago
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  • The rainbows reflection dances on the water while the unicorns play in the grass. The dragons are gliding through the clouds and I'm left watching through the glass.

    10 years ago
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  • ...LIFE: The truth beats any lie, NO matter how many tears you have to cry...

    13 years ago
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