Quotes by Samantha

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  • You know when you're making a fool of yourself and you're embarassed? That's when I love you the most.

    18 years ago
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  • Tonight I want to be in your arms while you're whispering softly in my ear, "I will never leave you."

    18 years ago
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  • Best friends will be there when your own family isnt.

    Best friends will be the ones that drive you home when youre too wasted to even open the car door.

    Best friends will lie to your parents to keep you from getting into trouble.

    18 years ago
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  • You are my worst kept secret, but my favorite mistake.

    18 years ago
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  • I wAnTeD T0 FaLL hEad -0VeR- hEeLs iN L0vE WiTh y0u BuT i NeEdEd Y0u t0 rEaSsUrE Me ThaT Y0u W0uLd bE rIgHt BeHiND mE rEaDy To CaTcH mE wHeN i FeLL..

    19 years ago
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  • YeAh yOu BrOkE mY hEaRt BuT gUeSs wHaT? soMeBoDy ElsE ToOk iT, tApeD iT rIgHt BaCk Up, AnD mAdE iT {gOoD As nEw}

    19 years ago
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  • X0x ThE wORsT fEeLiNg YoU cAn EvA gET iS wHeN yOU sEe hIM wItH hEr aNd YoU rEaLiZe yOu WeReN't tHe GiRl Of hIs dReAmZ xox

    19 years ago
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  • O*0*I used to be scared to show people how I truly felt until you showed me that there isn't anything to be scared of..Thank you*0*o

    20 years ago
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  • *Look into my blue eyes and you will see, just what you mean't to me.. but now we're apart and so far away, and I'm just hoping we're back together some day*

    20 years ago
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  • .o*0When Ya Think Nobody Will Care, Jus Reach For My Hand & I Will Be There 0*o.

    20 years ago
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