Once long ago in the bleak days of yore...
When the heavens cried ice, & hinted of war...
1 day stood crying,
when 2 towers died...
If God were to grant me a single desire,
It would be to know you as the light knows a...
You held me once
never doubting...
Faithfully I Pray to my Father above,
that my phantom flees never thy Love...
She's a vision of beauty turning sight into blur,
with a glory that's richer than the finest of...
1) Was I next to the God
who's flawless, & immortal...
If there was a number
high enough...
From the reflections of my mind
I c my body...
Thy haloed charm, & beauty to I,
are like meadows of jasmine, & orchid...
On the night our souls blended
GOD's infinite universe...