"a mirror reflects an image i use to know, but those eyes remind me of how i lost myself." |
"last words cannot compare to the memories they will leave behind." |
"i'll watch myself slip into a path marked by fate, but reach out in time of need to a untrust-worthy soul." |
"i've held out my hand to feel the warmth of his body, but my touch only made him turn cold." |
"i've lost my voice to the call of death." |
"show the soft skin of fingertips press against the out line of heart. oh. how i wish to feel what i have not yet felt." |
"Drowning in yourself is the perffect way, becuase you can see all the flaws. once the water rises death will not wait and the doors of the unknown will greet with a grin of perfection." |
"find more than you hope to see that the lie was just a crutch." |
"is the sense of our time only the work of our minds." |
"numb is what occupies the heart when love is not found." |