Poems by clevername

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  • Don't tell me you love me
    and then punch a hole in the wall...

  • ~rite now I'm in the prossess of deleting stuff...
    So ill just jump off his back...

  • The highway looks so different
    wen your standing on it completely alone...

  • Sweet little baby
    in your sweet little home...

  • I saw this little house
    this little house that no one seemed to live in...

  • You didn't even know
    you didn't even know i felt this bad...

  • Foreign hope still unnoticed
    and I'm passing through the summer breeze...

  • Falling away in the darkness
    away from everyone that i have ever seen...

  • You always do stupid day to day things like make...
    ~i would do things if there was a point but there...

  • A hole punched in the wall
    a symbol of pain...

  • I'll tell you everyhing you want to hear
    I'll tell you I'm fine and everything has been...

  • This is the only place where i can be completely...
    completely disregarded from the rest of the world...