Quotes by Jomar Bautista

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  • If I could make u love me I would...
    But I cannot make u do anything just as no1 can make me stop loving you not even you...=(

    20 years ago
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  • Is it wrong to love someone who has already taken? Yeah I know even wat d reason is it was wrong. Even God will tel u plz leave them b. I just dont know how to stop and even f I do den just take my life dan living a life ful of sin...........=(

    20 years ago
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  • Sometimes the truth is sad Its hard to admit it but even though we already knew it fr. the start why is it that we can't just let it go?=(

    20 years ago
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  • Sometimes love is cruel, when you fnd d 1 ur going to spend ur whole lfe tym searchng 4 it only meant 4 u to meet and not 4 u to have her...=(

    20 years ago
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  • When I started falling in love w/ u I realize that is was wrong but I can't help it I just tried and even f i fail and the world will reject me I'm going to take my chance coz once is a lifetime 4 me.=(

    20 years ago
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  • How can u love a person? 4 me its simple u dont have to think coz the answer is I love you no reason at ol I just knew it fr. the bottom of my heart.

    20 years ago
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  • I don't even know how to start saying it I just think and hold ur hand and put in my heart coz I don't even have to speak coz my heart is shouting 4 it "I love you"

    20 years ago
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  • When you love you have to accept everything even knowing your going to get hurt just do wat you wanted to do and f ur happy w/ it go on dont luk back coz wen u do u will lost and you'll never gonna fnd ur way again...=(

    20 years ago
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  • Somtimes we jst have to tke chances in life evn the risk is great, even if we fail, evn f we feel so down we have to tke our shot coz its better to have a broken heart than having a regret dat taking dat chance is worth everything in ur life... =(

    20 years ago
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  • It hurts to realize the truth in life is that when you find your true love you are not meant to be but it hurts more when you realize that even if your meant to be would it be the same?=(

    20 years ago
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