Quotes by ScarredSoul

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  • Theres a spirt that seeks me out every night
    It tells me:
    Hold on
    Dont let go
    Fight for life
    I tell this spirt show me how
    and in my dreams i find the answers

    19 years ago
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  • Love is beyond word so when you say love is this.... or love is when you... your wrong because you cant describe true love

    19 years ago
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  • My heart on the verge of exploding
    My wrists on the verge of draining
    My stomach on the verge of tearing
    What is happening to me?
    Im Dieing


    19 years ago
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  • Did you know that most cutters stop for awhile and pick it back up in a few years?

    19 years ago
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  • Shattered glass all over the floor
    In each piece
    Images that used to make her whole....

    19 years ago
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  • Just cause i dont cut anymore doesnt mean i cant feel what i went thru
    Feel the pain
    Feel it go away
    Feel the blade against my skin taking everything away..........

    19 years ago
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  • This feeling comes over
    im traped again
    forced to feel this way
    to act the way i do
    to once more be so confused
    and realieve it all by cutting or
    atempt suicide again

    19 years ago
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  • Why wont this black spirt that has taken hold of me let me go
    it just pulls me farther to its side

    19 years ago
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  • These scars have become a part of me
    hoping they go away
    they dont
    maybe its just a reminder of what
    really make me , me
    and what makes everything okay!

    19 years ago
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  • When someone asks are you okay?
    I always say what really is okay?
    And are you prepared to hear my answer?
    Most people can't even answer my 1st ?

    19 years ago
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