**I'm JeAlOuS oF eVeRy GuRl ThAt'S eVa HuGgEd YoU... cUz 4 ThAt MoMeNt ShE hElD mY **ENTIRE WORLD** |
Ain't no one in this world |
TrUe LoVe BlOsSoMs LiKe A fLoWeR... |
"Love is that certain strong feeling you get for a certain someone you've met, a someone you're certain you never could let out of your life or your heart." |
((fRoM tHe MoMeNt I mEt YoU, |
00(())I lOvE hIm O yEs I dO, hE's FoR mE & nOt FoR yOu, AnD iF bY cHaNcE yOu TaKe My PlAcE, i'M gOnNa TaKe My FiSt AnD sMaSh YoUr FaCe!!!!00(())** |
((**CaLi LoVeS tHe ItAlIaN dRuG sMuGgLeR**)) |
The worst part about breaking up is walking past him in the hallway, knowing how much you loved each other, what you shared together, and that you two will never be the same, its like you're *complete strangers* |
How you gonna act like we don’t be makin’ love |
`~`((Sometimes, I wish I could just go back in time & erase the day I met you))`~` |