X0x*AlL ii NeEd iiS 1 cHaNcE tO pRoVe tO yOu ThAt ii cAn MaKe AlL Ur DrEaMs CoMe tRu*x0x |
...I'll carve ur name on a bullet, so you're the last thing going thru my head.. |
_+LoVe iiS a NaTuRaL, bEaUtIfUl tHiNg, cHeMiStRy tHaT cAn NoT bE mAdE oR fOrCeD, iT jUsT hApPeNs & wHeN u fInD tHaT 1 pErSoN...yOu'Ll KnOw+_ |
---->sInCe wE mEt, ii cAn"t tElL iiF ii"M {hUnGrY}, oR iif It"S tHa b.U.t.T.e.R.f.L.i.E.s. |
..You can't lose what you never had...:( |
//WhEn sHe sTaRtS bRiNgIn uP oLd DiRt & tHa FiGhTs kEeP gEtTiN wOrSe, fInDiN nUmBeRs In hEr PuRse, bEtTa PuT tHaT wOmAn 1st, sHe AiN't wEaRiN hEr rInG & sHe StArTs pLaYiN lIl GaMeS, CoMIn iN LaTe fRoM wOrk, pUt tHaT wOmAn 1st// |
~*Look at this gurl |
{bReAk tHa rUlEs & sTaNd aPaRt, iNsTeAd oF uR hEaD, fOlLoW uR hEaRt} |
.Wouldn't it be a perfect crime?...If I stole your heart & you stole mine. |
Don't worry about falling in love because in most fairytales they don't find each other until the last page |