*You're so fat when you went missing you took up all 4 sides of the milk carton* lol |
If one night a huge man climbs thru ur window & stuffs u in2 a bag, don't stress, i told santa i wanted you for christmas |
..FiNd SuM1 ThAt MaKeS yOu SmIlE & nEvEr GiVe Up On ThEm... |
~*~ I dunno if I like you, I dunno if i care, all I know is ur really hot, and its hard not 2 stare~*~ |
))Sum1 is gonna hurt u @ some point in ur life...its up 2 u to decide who's worth it & who's not(( |
*~*~*I LOVE Jacob Estep 4ever & always*~*~*~ |
THe WoRsT kInD oF eNeMy Is OnE tHaT uSeD 2 bE uR fRiEnD |
0o0There's no betta mirror than a best friend0o0 |
Best oxymoron ever: adult male |
I need you like water |