When you love something let it go, if it comes back to you its yours, if it doesnt, go look for it!!!!! |
Because of you now I know love, even if your no longer here. |
Love is an emotion that does not choose or discriminate anything. |
Your love was beautiful like a butterfly, but just as a butterfly it vanished without a trace |
"YoU cAnT pLaY a PlAyEr, CuZ wHeN yOu ThInk YoU pLaYeD, gUeSs WhAt, YoU'vE aLrEaDy BeEn PlAyEd!" |
I began by missing you, then I started to need you, that's how I knew I began to love you. |
OnE lOoK wAs AlL iT tOoK, tO KnOw YoU, wErE tHe OnE wHo WoUlD cHaNgE mY lIfE. |
"Love is not something you choose, its something that takes over you" |