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Love will come and love will go. I'll get hurt and feel so low. I'll fall apart, and cry so much. But all along I'll still love, cuz the only one who won't break my heart, is gonna be with me all along:: Jesus Christ ©Lucy
The sun comes up, The sun goes down. Some people smile, Some people frown. I have these feelings, but I'm confused, We're supposed to be in love, but I feel used. ©Lucy
It ToOk Me By CoMpLeTe SuRpRiSe. WhEn My HeArT gOt LoSt iN HiS eYeS. He'S nOt aT aLL WuT i WaS LoOkInG fOr. BuT hE's aLL i WaNt aNd So MuCh MoRe.
If Abercrombie decided that breathing wasn't "cool" then half the teenage population would suffocate in 24 hours.
"I don't speak Enchilada!"