Poems by Lola Granny

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  • Listen to the "children's", cries
    Please do not, turn your heads, and than ask why...

  • Dear Heavenly Father as we bow our heads today We...

  • Dear Mama today would of been your seventy first...
    That you hear this speical birthday wish coming...

  • Helplessly he stumbled
    through the door...

  • As I sit around a campfire tonight I hear the...

  • Mama warned me about him
    hitting the towns...

  • There is a woman called Jane Doe
    for everyone did not know that...

  • Have you ever been in a earth
    quake, where all of a sudden...

  • There was a man called Joe; He was
    a boxer on the go, For this man was...

  • Once there came a great wave;
    Although it did not stay, it made...

  • There are stepdads, that can make
    you from feeling sad; These guys...

  • Why do we sometimes wear our
    clothes inside out; It must be...