There is the King Of The Jungle,
that all knew was ready to rumble...
Why do we wear frowns upside
down; It must be because...
There is the shame; That you try
to place on another's name; For...
Once there was a little princess
named Jenny; She wanted to...
There are children who have such
little feet, that it's neat to see...
There was a loose goose running
around the farm, the little girl...
Have you ever been in a earth
quake, where all of a sudden...
There was a man called Joe; He was
a boxer on the go, For this man was...
There is a woman called Jane Doe
for everyone did not know that...
Our children have such little hands
its hard not to watch them play in...
Why do we call out the Lords name
when we are in such pain; We have...
There are stepdads, that can make
you from feeling sad; These guys...