This New Year brings a new kind of pain to a very...
Over and Over again i am put back in that place...
We would work so hard, for this bundle of joy,
that it wouldnt even matter if it was a girl or a...
I remember how i cried tears of happiness your...
I clung to you gracefully for you were my...
I have said this time after time
I know i said it before but...
Dedicated to Kasan Kelley
(I like them boys up top from the BK...
I wonder how you look, think and act.
I wonder which qualities we share, there are alot...
Right now i am just thinking about how much i love...
Right now my heart is hurting, but at the same...
We dont see each other too often and we seldomly...
On your behalf no effort is made for us to spend...
Dear Diary,
Why was i given a heart to love...
I'm starting to feel a little different about you.
When we first met, we would talk for hours and you...
Its our hearts in which make us naive, it leaves...
The heart keeps us from remembering the things...
You are so good to me,
but i gotta tell you that we cant be...