Quotes by Ally

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  • *the only GUY that deservers you is... the one who thinks HE doesn't*

    20 years ago
    0 0
  • I [DoNt KnOw] where i StaNd with you ..
    i [DoNt KnOw] what i mean to you ..
    all [i KnOw] is that [eVeRyTiMe]
    i think of you .. i think of [HoW . MuCh]
    i want to be [WiTh . yOu

    20 years ago
    0 0
  • All I even hear is..
    be a good girl
    just behave
    sit up straight
    stand up tall
    never falter
    never fall
    stay in school
    make the grade
    never fail
    never fade
    be a hero
    be a star
    be everything
    but what you are

    20 years ago
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  • *i [don't] wanna fall ASLEEP.. cuz i'll miss you babay!.. and i [don't] wanna MISS a thing*

    20 years ago
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  • She whispers to herself as she wipes the running eyeliner from her eyes *I'll never be good enough for him...*

    20 years ago
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  • **I couldn't sleep last night cause I was up all night thinking of what we had!**

    20 years ago
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  • Every time she laughs she hopes he is watching. Not so he sees she is happy but so that maybe, just maybe, he'll fall for her smile just as hard as she fell for his

    19 years ago
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  • If you get caught looking at HIM, just remember he WAS *looking back*

    19 years ago
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  • She *finally* told him how she felt
    she downright *spilled* her heart out
    she prayed to herself that he would *care*
    but he just walked away as she *silently stood* there

    19 years ago
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  • There's something about the look in your eyes!!...
    Something that I noticed when the light was just right!!...
    It reminded me twice.. that I was alive.. and it reminded me that you were so worth the fight!!...

    19 years ago
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