Quotes by Mal

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  • It's hard for me...to look into your eyes because I know that if and when i do I'll just find something that makes you even more perfect that will make me fall even harder and then just disappoint me even more in the end.

    20 years ago
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  • Have you ever noticed that the ones you really love are the ones who end up hurting you the most in the end?

    20 years ago
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  • They say the worst part of saying I love you is not hearing it back, but to me the worst part is knowing deep down in your heart that you really mean it, and you know that they love you too, but in a different way: Two loves that will never be the same.

    20 years ago
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  • I wish for once, that I could have to guts to do something outrageous. I wish I could just walk up and kiss you and show you how much you really mean to me, but I'm afraid, afraid that we'll lose what we already have because I scared you away...

    20 years ago
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  • Every day I wake hoping that maybe today's the day, maybe today he'll wake up and realize I'm the one. But every night I go to bed thinking that there's always hope for tomorrow.

    20 years ago
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  • When people tell you you're too young to be in love, don't listen becuase people are wrong. ONLY YOU can decide when and who you fall in love with.

    20 years ago
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  • I think about you day and night, but yet I hardly even know you. I long for you to hold me, but you don't even notice me. How can I want something so much, and you not even know. How could this be possible when I've never even talked to you?

    19 years ago
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  • Did you ever think that if you can't get someone off of your mind that maybe they're supposed to be there? Just give it a chance. It takes some courage, but you never know what can come from a simple conversation.

    19 years ago
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  • Did you ever want to be with someone so badly that you'd do anything to have them? Even if it meant just for a day to get to know them, to talk to them, to fall in love? Would you do it, risk everything? Is it all worth it in the end...DEFINITELY!

    19 years ago
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  • I really thought that I was over you, but as soon as I got what I thought I wanted I realized I never really was. I only pretended to fall for him because I thought it would make me forget about you, but I will NEVER be able to get over you!

    19 years ago
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