Quotes by zadyrose

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  • The black rose stabs me,
    the blood slowly seeps,
    i dont want your help,
    just let me bleed.

    20 years ago
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  • Every tear has a reason my reason is you my arms are bleeding my soul has died your breaking my heart in two there is no hope for me all because of you.

    19 years ago
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  • Im just a figure from the past
    the one doomed to fail
    so let me give up at last
    my life is worse then hell

    19 years ago
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  • You gave me a rose
    but you left all the thorns
    you gave me my life back
    but you didnt tell the charge
    you took my soul
    in excange for my heart
    but you forgot to tell me
    that it was missing parts

    19 years ago
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  • Stupid people are like slinkeys not really worth anything but you still cant help but laugh when you see them fall down the stairs

    not mine got it off a shirt

    19 years ago
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  • This life is just,
    a nightmare born of day,
    a dream while awake,
    so hopful to escape.

    19 years ago
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