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if you question your faith doubt your beliefs if you doubt beliefs question your faith
I still can't let it go... Happy super belated birthday from 2024.
You never know when you will lose someone. This sounds so corny but you will appreciate it when you lose the ones closest to you. And when that time comes, if you get the chance, just tell them how much they mean to you. Give them peace.
Nobody can fill the void you left inside of me.
He told me forever. Only I didn't know his perspective of forever was different from mine.
There shouldn’t be dos & don’t when it comes to you. you cant put a restriction on creativity
The punishment of true justice is the ultimate act of kindness.
We only remain in how we influence others.
All Legends are born from truths And all Myths are born from Legends.
Logic, or get in the back of the line and start thinking.