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  • It would be better if I let myself warped by the apathy of my own asylum.

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  • If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
    —J.R.R Tolkien

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  • The death of a life is like the extinguishment of a lamp.
    - Wang Chong --- Philosopher

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  • Rejoice at youth. Repent at age.
    - Chinese Proverb

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  • Learning is like a boundless sea, only diligence can reach the shore.
    - Chinese Proverb

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  • Once you raise your own child,
    you will comprehend the hardship of your parents.
    - Chinese Proverb

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  • It is easy to born as a human, but to be a real human is hard.
    Be a real human again is much harder.
    It is not difficult to born in a blessed land,
    only if you stick your mouth and heart together at the right place always.
    - Buddhism quotes

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  • One thought leads to Heaven.
    One thought leads to Hell.
    - Buddhism quotes

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  • Wish I am free from barriers when I die,
    and Buddha will welcome me from far away.
    - Buddhism quotes

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  • The big belly can accommodate all kinds of things.
    The benevolence never lets a dust behind.
    - Happy Buddha / Laughing Buddha / Maitreya Buddha

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