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Ideals contain the spirit of an ever-living human.
The future of humankind depends on its modern ideals.
The development of society is a constant improvement of the quality of good and the expansion of the criteria of evil.
A meaningful life is a productively lived life for the sake of loved ones and everything valuable.
A scientific worldview is the key to a prejudice-free society.
The greatness of humankind is displayed in its created sustainable, humane civilization for everyone to live happily.
The purpose of life is to live meaningfully, productively, and emotionally–saturate. In other words, to live fully.
To leave a fond memory, one must earn a place in the memory of others.
Human personality is formed and developed by a person’s inner and outer worlds. The social environment is important, yet mindfulness and the thrust of the own thoughts and senses are even more important.
Ideality of a person is possible also with simple modesty.