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  • The mind selects a humane path if love lives in the heart.

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  • The laws of the universe grant an opportunity to live forever. The crucial thing is to be in concert with them, and to befriend them.

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  • And you, like so many before you, simply want to exist. To not have your identity questioned, to not have your lived experiences dismissed.

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  • You have the freedom to do anything, anytime, anywhere…
    Just don't get anyone into your troubles… Please!!!

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  • When thing happens, it always comes with a reason.

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  • We need to be smart by existing and we need to be wise by living as well.

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  • We must live with dignity when we exist.

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  • We regret, repent and remorse only when we have lost exhaustively.

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  • We human are only just as tiny as dust on earth.
    Life is fragile, helpless and variable sometimes.
    Still, we have to put our hearts at the right place and have a sense of justice always!

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  • We all live in a world of commonwealth...
    Truly hope there will have a better human nature on earth!!!

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