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  • Within each tear there's a lesson.

    95 4
  • The saddest tears are the driest ones seen in the bravest smile.

    83 1
  • Children soak up the world. Do them a favour, show them the sea of goodness, the waterfalls of love, and the perils that lay in the rivers dark.

    68 5
  • Love is like respect, it starts from within.

    61 3
  • Don't tell one who writes of grief to rethink their "I" statements. When you know they had tears on their hands as they wrote, don't say the poem could be better. You might as well say their grief could be worse.

    57 2
  • If someone shares a poem with you that is meant to help close an open wound, they don't want your opinion. They want your hand on their shoulder, gripping it tight.

    51 4
  • When depression was the sky, you taught me how to fly.

    by Tessa
    51 1
  • The older I get, the more I realize the less I matter
    except to a few, and the pressure grows daily to become
    everything to them.

    36 1
  • Words are fruitless when connected to a tainted heart.

    32 0
  • "Ready for warfare?", my mind antagonizes.

    "I wasn't created for battlefields", my heart insists.

    20 0