I watched how my faith faded right in front of me.
So, I turned loquacious...
Each time you might fall
All broken and scarred...
Somehow I made it
to another year...
Unsteady room and a fuzzy brain
I drink it down to ease the pain...
Each night I lie next to a medicated pile of self...
I listen to the snoring...
Winter is here again,
bringing a touch of frost...
I am not who you think I am,
I am not afraid to leave...
I wish I could believe
that no one would miss me when I am gone...
The cycle never ends,
secrets always remain...
She sleeps beside the bloody moon,
stars beneath her feet...
These poems are what people will remember us by,
reading between the lines to try and understand...
Dear Anxiety,
when will you stop stalking me...