....as moon awaits, to greet your soul
you’ll cross a bridge where lies no troll...
Today has finally came.
Seeing you lying there...
You used to call me an angel, with flowing blond...
An angel of love, embraces and care...
She has only one wish for Christmas
Although she knows she won't receive...
Wind caresses sun-kissed hair
of princess Bella at the county fair...
the uninvited music bounce into my ears...
The smile on my face now
is nothing but fake...
Time turns her face from mine as I grow.
Friends fall away leaving cold gifts of woe...
The owl came last night
it’s never been before...
Broken, empty, bruised and battered
Gone away has all that mattered...
as the bugle played
wind blew their memories back...
The unpredictable is predictable now
as one can easily read it on my face...