Other Sad Poems

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  • Navigator

    by Cantchangeme

    Staring out at the stars and wondering what it is...
    Wondering if tomorrow I’ll wake up beneath a...

  • Heresy Heredo

    by Cantchangeme

    In the time before the fall
    before the setting of the Sun...

  • How is this?

    by Timothy

    Moving through, a weird haze at my peripherals,
    Walking on, something beyond the literal...

  • Can't Let It Be

    by Some Random Human

    Dig a hole in the cold, dark ground,
    throw me in, let the dirt surround...

  • The pain won't stop.

    by shadows of saber

    My body is slowly getting worse.
    I know it's nearly time...

  • I spent most of my life
    in a repressed state...

  • Bpd 1

    by Vera Flatt


  • Crash

    by Cantchangeme

    The deafening quiet after the impact
    A moment to check if I’m still intact...

  • The Grove 3 WIN

    by Synful

    Gates of ivy and moss welcome me home
    As I'm embraced by the loving tears of weeping...

  • The explorers handbook (1)

    by Cantchangeme

    A is for arsenic
    Thats present on potato skin...

  • Let me cry in this embrace—
    if there is still an embrace left...

  • Frank plays jazz

    by El_Mabini

    In a dim-lit room, with smoke-filled air,
    Frank played jazz, his fingers a blur...