Other Sad Poems

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  • Let me cry in this embrace—
    if there is still an embrace left...

  • Frank plays jazz

    by El_Mabini

    In a dim-lit room, with smoke-filled air,
    Frank played jazz, his fingers a blur...

  • The first tear to fall
    is no indication of...

  • drip drop

    by Acacia


  • Slip Away (1)

    by Cantchangeme

    I stand and I wade through it
    The sites and sounds of a torn psyche...

  • A Lonely Cold Night

    by DavidPCarroll

    It's cold tonight and the
    Rain falls softly all night and...

  • How the Blues Taste (2)

    by BOB GALLO

    The memory of oceans
    lingers in her eyes...

  • Graveheart

    by Cantchangeme

    Squashing insects beneath our fingers
    No consideration for such little lives...

  • Discretion

    by Cantchangeme

    He never thought he mattered
    It’s hard to when on your own...

  • 200 Worlds a Minute

    by Cantchangeme

    Are you happy
    Does it make you smile...

  • Temple Key

    by Cantchangeme

    Put the slogan up next to scripture
    Hang their symbols in front of god...

  • Lost meaning

    by shadows of saber

    My heart aches with the torment I have allowed.
    It seeps in when I realise that the noose is...