sad face will never rich their dreams unless it...
I had to make a difficult decision to let you live...
in the hospital, I had to be the one to choose...
If it's gotta get worse before it gets better,
well, you know I'm due improvement...
It's very hard to hear
To you, your family bear...
Oh memory, stop playing games with me
What I know now is simply what has been...
Life is made with shapes
You see them everywhere...
Find me in summer near the campfire, marveling the...
Find me in the winter, fondly reminiscing past...
Twisted and tortured,
I'm triggered by silence...
Another day of this sorrow,
another day of this pain...
Just a distant echo in these halls
A picture torn down from the walls...
Metal shavings swiftly spread;
burning flames of blue-white shed...
Reminiscing on lies that never happened
While we remember the pain...