Other Sad Quotes

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  • Within each tear, a silent teacher imparts wisdom in the language of raw emotion. Like glistening drops of insight, they trace the contours of our experiences, etching profound truths on the canvas of our existence.

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  • Within each tear, a silent teacher imparts wisdom in the language of raw emotion. Like glistening drops of insight, they trace the contours of our experiences, etching profound truths on the canvas of our existence.

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  • Within each tear, a silent teacher imparts wisdom in the language of raw emotion. Like glistening drops of insight, they trace the contours of our experiences, etching profound truths on the canvas of our existence.

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  • I miss the conversations, I miss the feeling of being understood,
    I miss the effortlessness and the laughs that flowed like a babbling brook.

    by Synful
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  • Never waste time yelling for aid; rather, make the most of that uncomfortable situation to develop yourself.

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  • Maybe the true problem is…
    That I’m not crazy…
    It would probably be better if I was…
    How could I possibly know better now…
    After all that has happened.

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  • Sad! Lol. Dude.., that’s horrible,. Lol. I know… wtf. Really sad……….. I wish life…. *sigh*

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  • Why do you care…
    Huh? You say something?

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  • Afraid to ask for help.

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  • But you never said goodbye…

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