Funny Poems Using Slang Words

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  • O what u wanna throw bows now
    I\'m not too sure ur worth my time nehow...

  • When I'm bored I like to talk shit
    Especially because most people can't handle it...

  • Towel head (1)

    by RayRay

    Towel head towel head
    bombed our state...

  • Don't Hate (2)

    by ..!*Mi$$ ChEeKy*!..

    You Think I Will Break 'n' You Think I Will Fall
    Jus Thats Enuf Evidence 2 Proov You Dnt Evn Kno Me...

  • I was in love
    and you were to...

  • Funny Thug holler (1)

    by RayRay

    Thug Thism is the name
    Thug life is my game...

  • Stugary & Neeshtyak

    by Alexander Tagaev

    Stugary = student + gary
    Gary = gar’ = гар&#1100...

  • Cocaine Is The Name (2)

    by Eman D

    A little cocaine never hurts.
    just sniff it like its little dirts...

  • Mandalanda

    by Sarah

    Mandalanda is sunny and grey
    lil birds fly above the ocean spray...

  • A simple man can f*ck 3 girls a night
    an all the lil boyz gon say that his game real...

  • My people we hear so much about different hoods
    but so many get misunderstood...

  • Soul released (3)

    by kaysha

    I take my shot,
    and you take yours...