I practiced giving you a look
That might stop your feet from stepping...
Gotta Problem?
..Then Solve It...
XxX Funny Poem bout Dowdy! XxX
Dowdy is a top man...
I saw ur moma caring around change and she said...
I lost my temper
i can't think right...
I'm a free man,
I can do what I want to...
Cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd...
phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a...
Belly tops, Flip flops- -Lemonade, In the shade...
Im da b**** u don't wanna know
I'm da b**** u wished u never met...
Ur not kool
cuz u sit on a stool...
I was walking down the street with a g*n in my...
when i saw him walking so i kill this man...
Look at my panky look at ring
bet ya see it glow...