Other Poems Using Slang Words

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  • 2PacAKADrag my ass (3)

    by Demian

    I know 2pac u aint tring to get with my gurl. Shes...

  • You dont wanna mess wit me (1)

    by the love of another fills my soul

    All you lil wanksta's think you're working your...
    Well I got news for you lil boys...

  • She Is Her

    by ZOMGEMO

    She is nothing__x
    She is just a little girl__x...

  • Do you see me?

    by Rachel

    What's your problem?
    Can't you see that you're not better than me...

  • My life mystery (1)

    by the love of another fills my soul

    My life,
    all seems a mystery...

  • Why (1)

    by the love of another fills my soul

    Why is my heart so miserable?
    why can i not feel complete...

  • In My World

    by xoxShorteexox

    In my world...Cuts,
    don't bleed...

  • Why (1)

    by NESS

    Why did you lie
    why didn't you just tell me you were nothin but...

  • Skateboarding (2)

    by goodgirl//2008

    I like to ride my skateboard it is a way to make...
    -Sherman Wayne...

  • I aint trying to be his girl, I'm just having fun...
    LOLZ Ok so I was just being stupid...and well I...

  • Fonts for me....

    by Porscha


  • I Hate You

    by FlawlesslyTarnished

    I hª†é yøµ
    W¡†h g...