Other Poems Using Slang Words

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  • Haterz

    by kellie

    Why all yall haterz lookin like yall ain't carin...
    still starin and I.C.Y.U.N.V. ME...

  • Humm

    by Emily

    A tear rolls down my face, was i true or only a...

  • Ladies (1)

    by Kristina

    Ladies are pimps
    U and I know its true...

  • Cocaine (2)

    by megan

    My friends call me coke
    But you may know me as cocain...

  • Me

    by RaInBoW_ShArKiE

    Northside born and raised
    Puttin it down til my dieing days...

  • I Might Scream

    by CarissalRADIOFACEl

    Don\'t take this out of context
    because this doesn\'t go to you...

  • Things or sayings that annoy me (4)

    by ~*~Tiffany C.~*~

    1. You cant have your cake and
    eat it to Re: if u eat ur cake its the same as...

  • `*`BoY yOu ThOuGhT yOu HaD gAmE? wElL gUeSs WuT...

  • The Untold Verison Of Life

    by xoxShorteexox

    Hell's eyes,
    in the face of a child...

  • The state of feeling young and restless
    Can this be what we all seem to have...

  • Ii unno

    by Nena

    Sweet lil shawtii kute az kan be
    Not even ja rule kan put it on meh...

  • I love my rock stars
    more than i love you...