Why all yall haterz lookin like yall ain't carin...
still starin and I.C.Y.U.N.V. ME...
A tear rolls down my face, was i true or only a...
Ladies are pimps
U and I know its true...
My friends call me coke
But you may know me as cocain...
Northside born and raised
Puttin it down til my dieing days...
Don\'t take this out of context
because this doesn\'t go to you...
1. You cant have your cake and
eat it to Re: if u eat ur cake its the same as...
`*`BoY yOu ThOuGhT yOu HaD gAmE? wElL gUeSs WuT...
Hell's eyes,
in the face of a child...
The state of feeling young and restless
Can this be what we all seem to have...
Sweet lil shawtii kute az kan be
Not even ja rule kan put it on meh...
I love my rock stars
more than i love you...