I remember a time where my life
Was my own personal hell...
Many pplz asked me what the point of this poem...
To Those Who Are Home Alone...
6 Beers Later, and Another 6 on the Way
Gettin drunk may not get you the answer, but it...
I' m here once again with my same question
Hanging over a fire of rejection...
I know that we are just friends
but i still love you...
A guy comes up to me and asks me out,
I give him my number without a doubt...
I aint even gonna lie you got me all rapped up
Sometimes I think that I got you out of luck...
There was a girl
And she was the beauty...
Boom and never try to stop me
born to fly sky high up to the top see...
Y o u a n d m e h a v e b e e n f r i e n d s
For such a long time now...
Thinking that life
is a ride...