I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd...
rdgnieg.The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid...
I am who i am
And I'm no going to be...
I called your phone over and over again u never...
I wrote dis plz plz vote and comment on it. I...
You told me we needed a break
You said that it wasn\\\'t me it was you...
By !*!Bee!*!
The summer is ending...
This friend i just got her as one this past...
he her i change alot like...
Her very first breath
She felt stressed...
Please don’t do this again
Please don’t pull me back in...
From the baby in the mother
To baby’s older brother...
Yo think yo n luv,
Bi+ch go clear yo head...
I was your friend
when you weren't so bad...
Happy f u c k i n g mothers day
You dirty f u c k i n g s l u t...