Slang Poems

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  • Bottles and Cans (2)

    by Samuel Ernst

    Bottles and cans litter my floor,
    A path to my bed in liquored decour...

  • A Thousand rose petals

    by Yuenika Gordon

    Getting home from work it was the night befor
    To my surprise when I opened the door...

  • He threw all his dreams away,
    When he signed that contract that day...

  • I wanna go back, to that ole river that sings,
    travel upon that holy highway...

  • Broken trust (2)

    by Nyera

    You were suppose to be my friend but you were...
    I trusted you with my secrets but you turned...

  • If we are friends (5) 1

    by Darclyfe

    If we are friends.
    Then why do I want run you...

  • Feel empty (6)

    by Jose

    I can't help but to feel empty
    i need a new life or something to make me feel...

  • Darkness around me (3)

    by Darclyfe

    In the Darkness
    I sit with my heart torn in two...

  • My 'Lil Sis (1)

    by brittany friend

    They hurt you, made you cry.
    No heart at all for what they do...

  • Is love real??

    by Shosho335

    I see their faces in the park happy all the while
    Its so sweet it makes me want to smile...

  • A speck of dust (2)

    by jaime

    Just another distant memory that blows in the air...

  • I miss u (4)

    by utkarsh gahtori

    17th march 2009
    a bright sunny day and lord shows me a sign...