A place where one can go and never return,
Would be the icing to my chocolate cake...
Did yu ever fall for someone yu know yu shouldn;t...
try hard ta fiqht yur feelinqs, but yu know yu...
Your never hear.
but the wormth of your heart is neer...
The tears that i lost for you it was the sign of...
The pain of unfullfilled love...
I got some money in the handbag.
And a picture of my dearest ones...
Tus labios me invitan
Me tentan, me entretienen...
Watch out for me
I'm a Siren upon the seas...
look at that freak...
Why is it that you lie every dam time?
You got me sitting here stressin' loosin' my mind...
I used to think i could hide my pain forever and...
Waiting for the man of my dream
The greatest longing of mine...
I cry because you are not here
i cry because u said u love her...