I hate people
who judge others...
When i first came
to this one school...
One whO can keep it real && always stay...
wOnt eva smile in ma face thn turn arOund...
I'm getting tired man
of all you jealous haters...
In this waking, all is shaking
Dew on flesh, a visions breaking...
When I was done
Trippen' the blue...
I'm not crying
my eyes are just full of tears...
Confused and don't know what to do.
I have no where to turn no one really to look up...
I hate this
why does it...
Yes = no...
He'll say, 'How are you today?', in that soft...
He'll ask 'Fancy a chat?' s'not like he gave me a...
Once when I was still in school
I heard an off color joke...