Slang Poems

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  • Missing you (3)

    by nathan

    I’m sitting here
    Thinking about you...

  • Goodbye Frodo (1)

    by Princess JJ

    My dear Frodo,please don't leave me or else I...
    Please don't leave me all alone in this forest...

  • Fight 3 (15)

    by Finalgravedigger

    Why past bringin you down,
    why dwell and be trapped all around...

  • Yes, I Cry... (10)

    by Kaitlin Kristina

    People don’t know it,
    But, yes, I cry...

  • One of my old poems for a poetry contest of long...
    New Beginnings...

  • Amor (5)

    by ღPrEciiOuz~KiiZeZღ

    Ase tiempo atras
    estaba atrapada en la soledad...

  • The coach in this class didn’t care if we...
    So he left the room and we were alone...

  • People think that I'm boring and lonely,
    but I'm not even close...

  • Tiddles gets caught in the rain (syntuit)
    suzie smirks and asks...

  • I miss u (4)

    by utkarsh gahtori

    17th march 2009
    a bright sunny day and lord shows me a sign...

  • Twitter is a novel way,
    to tell the world your issues...

  • I remember once this one guy promised me that
    neither a hater or a hoodrat...