Slang Poems

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  • A Thugs Cry (4)

    by NoNeE

    Remember wat dey say,
    dat gangsta dont cry...

  • Going to show (3)

    by Demian

    Im going to show peeps that im a true gansta...

  • I cant believe white people think they are...

  • The joke's on you (7)

    by Bethan

    They said they'd never love anyone like they loved...
    But if this is true, why are they with someone...

  • Perfect (8)

    by Hannah Tiernan

    Hot Body
    Strong hands...

  • What it would of been like.... (4)

    by dyingbrokenangel

    Sometimes i sit and wonder
    what life would have been...

  • Never try to stop me (6)

    by *Alanna*

    Boom and never try to stop me
    born to fly sky high up to the top see...

  • Story Poem Part 2 (4)

    by And smiles hide everything

    ***Here's Part 2***
    We sat in the movies...

  • Never Regret... (3)

    by Spanish Star

    You were the only one for me, and I loved you more...
    Everyday was spent dreaming of the day I would be...

  • Long Distance's Love (5)

    by NicholasRyan

    I don't know how to explain...
    but my heart wants to stay...

  • 2 bernie (3)

    by Tiombe aka Lady

    The way i love u
    makez me go insain...

  • 1~~~SaD sToRy~~~ (5)

    by Tiombe aka Lady

    A mafia princess loves this boy
    The boy sells drugs and loves her back...