Slang Quotes

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  • The Truthh . ;
    Lovinqq You And Meetinq You Was All I Ever Wanted To Do .
    Thankinq God That My Wishh Came True <3.

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  • Nobody Could Everr Take Your Place.
    Someonee Tried. But Failed.
    Nobody Could Ever Be Like You Were.
    You Were Diffrent From The Rest.
    & Thats Why iChose You As Mine.<3.

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  • I .d0n*T. WaLk ar0unD TryiN Ta bE WhuT I*m n0t I .d0n*T. WasTe mY TyMe TryiN Ta GeT WhuTcHu g0t I .w0rk. aT pLeaSin mE aNd n0t SaTiSfyiN y0u.. DaT*z .wh0. I aM n *ExaCtLy* WhuT I d0

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  • Instead of the bad word for poop you say:

    Pronouncition: (shizz-olls)

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  • "Love is for fools wise enough to take a chance."

    by Enita
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  • When your heart tries to take over, trying to fight back but it keeps wanting to be let out

    by Prema
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  • The way when you are gone and your heart is no more

    by Prema
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  • When your heart snaps, the world is dead

    by Prema
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  • You dont have to get in everyone's buisness, stay in your own, and life will work out

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  • A d_ck is always a d_ck. No matter how tall, fair and pretty. Its only there to (talk) sh_t and be hungry. No matter how much you please it, satisfy it, play with, it wont become bre_sts :p it will always and forever be a d_ck girls, remember that

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