Slang Quotes

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  • Im like glue~once something touches me, it stays with me forever

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  • Life is a b i t c h. cuz if it were a s l u t it would be easy

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  • Never wait round to long for things people say the mite do, because its a waste of time, and your life, and can come back and kick you.

    by shelley
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  • Cry me a river, while your there build yourself a bridge and get over it!

    by shelley
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  • U asked me if i would chooze u or muh lyfe and i sed my life and u walked away not knowin
    u r muh lyfe

    by cyera
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  • Why am i dyin to live if im livin to die..
    why am i cryin to try if im tryin to cry...
    why am i watin to get ther.
    if i get ther and wait...
    why am i hatin to love..
    and lovin to hate...
    haha hataz suk dis

    by cyera
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  • You are the one i love and the one i\'ll loose because fate always changes when u dont want it to its great while it\'s lasting i feel so free i will always love you here with me

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  • So many things
    mislead by a
    silly little smile

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  • Do what you say, then you don't lie.

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  • YOu shOuLd Be My ThUg
    mA tRu GaNgStA gUy
    THe oNe WhO lOoKz aLL tUfF
    yEt WoNt EvA mAkE mE cRy
    yOu sHoUlD Be My BaBy
    dA oNe DaT uNdA sTaNdZ
    Nd EvEn WhEn HiS bOyZ r RoUnD
    hE b LiKe..BaBy wAnNa HoLd My HaNd?

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