If its -+-really-+- what u want to do,stay -*-passionate-*- and dont ever give up!If your going to do it */*give it all you've got*/*, try as hard as u can *+*belive in your self*+*.Be +/+positive+/+ and most of all is to be -!-YOUR SELF-!- |
Dont tap it if u cant wrap it |
I gave u all i had to give and u gave me a broken heart |
You said u loved me n i thought u were tru but then a week later u said we were through it`s alright though i wont cry i already got myself another guy, FYI BoO all u were to me was jus a good screw, sorry to bust ur bubble but You got played Too. |
T~o~u~c~h~ m3 |
TRIALS are like fire. It can destroy or strengthen you depending on your character and outlook in life.. |
In the silence of your HEART, listen to the melody of goodness.. What you have done for others is the sweetest music your HEART can ever hold... |
Behind every B-I-T-C-H theres a guy who made her that way |
I'm sugar and spice and everything nice but before you mess with me you better think twice. |
"Happy once thats what i used to be untill i saw you now im just not me, sad and lonely wishing to die its all your fault and now i cry" |