The stacks and stacks of work aside
Forget the joy that games provide...
Granddaughter, you're special,
in a hundred different ways...
It's your birthday and everyone knows.
I hope you get some stylish new clothes...
Another year has come and gone
This day holds special meaning...
June 9th comes around once a year
And I hope you do not mind if I say...
Happy birthday!!!!
I'm sorry that I have to miss it...
Today must be your birthday because the sun is...
The clouds that are usually hiding it are now...
Birthdays are celebrated
all over the world...
I wish you a day
Full of special delights...
Today is the day.
Unwanted happiness forced on you...
She holds the world with all these sentiments
Flowing fast, upon her sometimes hopping heart...
Happy Birthday Sweetheart
you were born six years ago today...