Christmas Poems

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  • Christmas (2)

    by Catherine Stephens

    Carefree of the outside world
    Holly spread around the table...

  • A homeless girl Christmas wish (2)

    by poetic Justice

    I am a girl who lives on the street
    everyday i struggle to eat...

  • When Santa comes to visit it,
    the clouds up high begin to knit...

  • Late night shopping (2)

    by Tiny Reader

    Bustling around in my thick winter coat
    Red gloves and a scarf to match...

  • Christmas (2)

    by Crystal

    It is a holiday,
    It is the day Jesus was born...

  • I had born (2)

    by see

    25 December: I had born with heart and mind...
    A star, upon the skies...

  • Christmas Time (2) 1

    by Jack

    Outside in the
    Cold winter air...

  • Prince of Peace (2)

    by Michael D Nalley

    Priceless precious Prince of Peace.
    Restore your reign redeemer and release...

  • Christmas Angels~Huitain (2)

    by Poet on the Piano

    They fly around this sinning Earth,
    Telling of Christ the newborn King...

  • A Christmas Prayer (2)

    by Deborah

    "May the forgiving spirit of Him
    to whom we dedicate this season...

  • Christmas time (2)

    by ScarletHaze

    The sleep that just never comes
    The seconds that seem like hours...

  • Christmas joy (2)

    by lil ashie

    Christmas cake in my tummy
    Christmas turkey is so yummy...