Christmas Poems

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  • O Christmas Tree~Nonet

    by Poet on the Piano

    A mighty majestic evergreen,
    Ingeniously decorated...

  • Like the key to my door unlocks, the comforts in...
    Like the aroma of a home cooked meal, that...

  • Merry Christmas!

    by LenaLee

    Christmas is a joyous time,
    A time for fun and laughter...

  • Another Noel

    by PHOEBIX

    White wisps of ice
    Winter's lace...

  • Christmas

    by Eminent Bard

    *A poem written way back December 2005. Grade 6...
    Christmas is GIVING...

  • Christmas (nonet)

    by Shadow and Flame

    Gentle angels of radiant light
    Sing out the joy of Christ's new birth...

  • Happy Holidays

    by Errol Mondell

    During this time of the year
    There is joy that fills the air...

  • Jingle bells, jingle bells, what did I just buy?
    I'm sitting here, in a ford, now I'm asking why...

  • Decenber

    by Brittany

    Gray on White
    White on Grey...

  • Mistletoe

    by Michael D Nalley

    A sweet kiss I stole
    Under the mistletoe...

  • So you say that you don't like Christmas
    Know that I consider that a little sad...

  • Searching For A King

    by Janice Herzog

    Following one bright, shining star,
    Three wise men traveled from lands afar...